Student Resources

Student Forms

Some of the forms date from the time when we were using Social Security numbers. If you use such a form, please enter the Student ID instead.

Graduate Program Forms

Undergraduate Program Forms

Graduation Application Packet for BS Computer and Software Engineering

Guidelines and Samples

CMPE Major Forms

SE Major Forms

Click University Undergraduate Forms to obtain the following list of forms:

  • Academic Renewal
  • Change of Major
  • Graduation Application
  • Late Drop
  • Course Substitution
  • Audit Option
  • Excess Units Petition
  • Late Enrollment
  • Leave Requests
  • Reinstatement Petition

Click University Graduate Forms to obtain the following list of forms:

  • Candidacy Forms
  • Change of Major Application
  • Course Substitution Form
  • Transfer Credit Forms
  • Graduation Forms
  • Seven Year Limit Forms
  • Thesis Guidelines

To view [pdf] content you may need to download Adobe Reader.

Request Forms

  • Category 1: International Students
  • Category 2: Program Admission
  • Category 3: Curriculum
  • Category 4: Project and Writing Requirement
  • Category 5: Enrollment
  • Category 7: Graduation
  • Category 8: Leave
  • Category 9: Do not Process

Category 1: International Students

1.1 CPT request form

Student submits:

1.2 OPT request form

Student submits:

  • OPT request form coversheet [pdf]
  • A completed ISSS OPT form (Located in the International Studies Dept.)
  • A copy of the unofficial student record My菠菜网lol正规平台
  • A completed OPT memo (Located in the Computer Engineering Dept.)
  • A copy of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten)

1.3 Reduce course load request form

Student submits:

  • Reduce course load request form coversheet [pdf]
  • Completed ISSS Request to Reduce Course Load form (Located in the International Studies Dept.)
  • Completed Reduced Course Load memo (Located in the Computer Engineering Dept.)
  • A copy of the unofficial student transcript from My菠菜网lol正规平台
  • A copy of 菠菜网lol正规平台 admission letter
  • A copy of Program of Study(must be completely typewritten)

1.4 Letter for change of status to F1 request form

Student submits:

  • Letter for change of status to F1 request form coversheet [pdf]
  • A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
  • A copy of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten)
  • A completed Academic Standing memo ( Located in the Computer Engineering Dept.)

Category 2 : Program Admission

2.1 Transfer from other program

  • Student submits a Change of Major Application form to 菠菜网lol正规平台 Graduate Studies Office (not department office)[pdf]
  • Student checks with 菠菜网lol正规平台 Graduate Studies Office about the status

2.2 Reinstatement after disqualification request form coversheet

Student submits:

Category 3: Curriculum

3.1 Establish and update Program of Study

Department office does not process this request

  • For a MS in CMPE student, a Program of Study must be established during the orientation session. It will be updated only for exceptional situations.
  • For a MS in SE student, a Program of Study will be established only for exceptional situations.

Exceptional situations are

  • Take non-CMPE courses (see non-CMPE section)
  • Transfer non-菠菜网lol正规平台 courses (see non-菠菜网lol正规平台 section)
  • Apply for CPT (see CPT section)

3.2 Take non-CMPE department or program course request form coversheet

Student submits:

  • Non-CMPE program request coversheet [pdf]
  • A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
  • A copy of 菠菜网lol正规平台 admission letter
  • Two copies of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten with proposed courses to be taken)
  • A copy of the non-CMPE course description 菠菜网lol正规平台 Catalog

3.3 Transfer course credit form

Student submits:

  • Transfer course coversheet [pdf]
  • A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
  • A copy of 菠菜网lol正规平台 admission letter
  • A copy of Program of Study(must be completely typewritten)
  • A copy of the non-菠菜网lol正规平台 course description
  • A copy of the transcript for the non-菠菜网lol正规平台 course
  • A 菠菜网lol正规平台 Request for Validation of Transfer Credit

3.4 Waive a core course request form

Student submits:

  • Waive a core course coversheet [pdf]
  • A copy of the transcript containing the equivalent course
  • A copy of the course description
  • A copy of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten)

3.5 Waive a Discrete Math Prerequisite for MS SE

Student submits:

  • Discrete Math Prerequisite coversheet [pdf]
  • A copy of the transcript containing the equivalent course
  • A copy of all University Math syllabi that contain Discrete Math subjects.   Students must circle Discrete Math topics in the syllabi.
  • A copy of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten)

Category 4: Project and Writing Requirements

4.1 Take CMPE 298 to extend CMPE 295 and 295B request form

Student submits:

4.2 Waive technical writing requirement request form

Student submits:

Category 5: Enrollment

5.1 Remove advising hold request form

Student submits:

  • A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
  • A copy of 菠菜网lol正规平台 admission letter
  • A copy of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten)

5.2 Retroactive drop request form

Student submits:

  • A completed Retroactive Course Drop form with instructor's signature
  • A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
  • A copy of 菠菜网lol正规平台 admission letter
  • A copy of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten)

Category 7: Graduation

7.1 File Candidacy form request form

Student submits:

  • Candidacy request coversheet [pdf]
  • An original and completed Candidacy form with filled prerequisite section (Exact 30 units; enter Prerequisites; enter 295A/295B, or 299 in section B)
  • A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
  • A copy of 菠菜网lol正规平台 admission letter
  • A copy of Program of Study
  • A copy of Request for Validation of Transfer Credit form
  • A documented proof of waiving core courses
  • A documented proof of waiving prerequisite course
  • A documented proof of waiving technical writing requirement
  • A documented proof of approval of taking non-CMPE department course
  • A documented proof of approval of taking non-CMPE program course

7.2 Course substitution request form

Student submits:

7.3 Apply for graduation

  1. Student submits following forms to 菠菜网lol正规平台 Graduate Studies Office (not department office
  2. Student contacts 菠菜网lol正规平台 Graduate Studies Office for the status

Category 8: Leave

8.1 Leave of absence request form

Student submits:

8.2 Withdraw from the University request form

Student submits:

Category 9: Do not Process

9.1 Change classification status

  • Department office does not process such requests
  • When a student take CMPE 295, 295A, or 299, a candidacy form must be filed. Upon the approval of the candidacy form, a students status will be automatically changed to "Classified".

9.2 Enroll in a class without prerequisites

  • Department office does not process such requests
  • This is the decision of individual instructor.

9.3 Update program of study

  • Department office does not process such requests
  • Refer to requests from other categories

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