Program Requirements

Total Minimum 120 Semester Units

General Education - 21 units

Preparation for the Major - 26 units

  • MATH 30, 31, 32, 123 - 13 units
  • PHYS 50/51 - 8 units
  • CHEM 1A - 5 units

Engineering Common Core - 11 units

  • CMPE 30, ENGR 10, ME 20, MATE 25

Required Courses in Engineering and Science – 50 units

  • ISE 102, 105, 115, 120, 130, 131, 135, 140, 142, 151, 155, 167, 170, 194, 195A, 195B; CmpE 131, ENGR 100W

Approved Upper Division Electives - 6 units

Total - 120 units

Additional Requirements/Policies

Writing Skills Test (WST) and Engr 100W

You must pass the WST and have upper division standing in order to register for any 菠菜网lol正规平台 Studies course (including Engr 100W). Engr 100W is a prerequisite for all Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) senior courses.

Placement Exams

All undergraduate students must take the Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) Exam or be exempted from it before placement in the appropriate university mathematics coursework. All students who wish to enroll in the following courses are required to take the corresponding placement exams:

  • Engl 1A requires the English Placement Test (EPT)
  • Math 30 or 20 requires the Calculus Placement Examination Click here for more information about the exam

Drop Procedure

A student may petition to drop a course after the third week of instruction only for serious and compelling reasons. Poor performance in a class is not considered a serious and compelling reason for late drop. Verification and meeting with the University office responsible for late drop is necessary.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

You can take a ISE course only if:

  1. you have completed all prerequisites of the course before taking it...
    - AND -
  2. are taking all corequisites at the same time or have taken all corequisites before taking the course.

A student taking a course without satisfying either of the above conditions will either be dropped by the instructor or receive a failure grade.

Course Load

You should adjust your course load based on your scholastic records, working hours, and other factors. You should discuss your individual situation with your Major Advisor. Students will not be allowed to register for more than 18 units per semester without prior approval from the Department Chair with the Petition for Excess Units form.

Technical Electives

7 semester units of upper-division technical electives are required. You can select the technical electives from the approved list, however two technical electives must be selected from upper-level engineering courses. The choice of technical electives must be made in order to complete the Major Form. You need your Major Advisor's approval (on the Major Form) to take any elective course that is not on the approved list.

General Education

Questions on GE requirements should be directed to the Major Advisor. If further clarification is needed, the Major Advisor will direct you to the Student Service Center located on the 1st Floor of the 10th Street Garage or Engineering Student Success Center located in E344.

More detailed Industrial and Systems Engineering, BS Requirements.

Additional policies regarding undergraduate studies